Managing Fatigue

Author: Marisa Healy, BSN, RN
Content Contributor: Katherine Okonak, MSW, LSW
Last Reviewed: January 31, 2024

What is fatigue?

Fatigue is one of the most common side effects of cancer treatment. It can be caused by surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or other medications used to treat your cancer. It is a feeling of exhaustion, feeling completely worn out, feeling that your body is "heavy" and hard to move, or being unable to focus. Fatigue can cause physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion.

Cancer-related fatigue is not caused by too much activity and often does not go away with rest. Healthcare providers do not know exactly what causes cancer-related fatigue. It likely has a few different causes, which makes it hard to treat.

It has been found that treating anemia and exercising can help manage fatigue. There are other ways to manage fatigue as well. Talk to your provider about your fatigue and possible treatments.


Exercise has been shown to improve fatigue and quality of life.

  • Start slow if needed, maybe with a walk around the block, then add time or distance as you feel more comfortable.
  • Having a buddy to exercise with can help motivate you and make it more enjoyable.
  • Try to include endurance (walking, jogging, swimming) and resistance (weights, Pilates) exercises.
  • A cancer rehabilitation program or physical therapist can help you make a plan that works for you.

Treatment of Anemia

Anemia happens when the level of red blood cells (hemoglobin) in your body is too low. Hemoglobin helps carry oxygen throughout the body. This oxygen is the fuel for muscles, and low levels of it can lead to fatigue.

  • Treatment for anemia depends on the cause and your symptoms. Possible treatments are iron pills, red blood cell transfusion, or growth factors to help make red blood cells. 
  • Your healthcare provider can talk with you about which treatment, if any, is right for you.

Other Tips for Managing Fatigue

  • Allow yourself to rest and create a sleep schedule. Too much rest can make fatigue worse, so keep your rest times to 45-60 minutes. Try to keep a normal sleep schedule (go to bed and wake up at the same time), limit naps to 45-60 minutes, avoid caffeine, and talk to your provider about a sleep aid if you are having trouble.
  • Save up energy for when you need or want it most. If there is something you want to do in the afternoon, make sure you take time to rest in the morning and evening. Avoid tasks that you do not have to do.
  • Ask for help! People want to help, they just don't always know what to do. Ask a friend to clean, prepare a meal, run an errand, or just sit and talk. Think about the person's personality and strengths when asking for help and accept that they may do it differently than you.
  • Keep track of your bad days. If you know the day after treatment is a bad day, don't make plans for that day. If you work every day, schedule treatment on Friday afternoon to give you the weekend to rest.
  • Let friends and family know that even if you make plans, there will be some days when you just can't do it and may have to cancel or change plans.
  • Be sure to eat a balanced diet with carbohydrates and proteins for energy, avoid heavy fatty meals, and try 4 or 5 smaller meals as opposed to 3 larger ones.
  • Make time for activities that energize you like visiting with friends, having a meal out, listening to music, or doing a hobby you enjoy.
  • You may be able to change your work schedule while you are receiving treatment. Talk to human resources about the Americans with Disabilities or Family Medical Leave Acts, sick time, and healthcare coverage.
  • Complementary therapies such as massage, relaxation techniques, meditation, and yoga can help relieve fatigue.
  • If you are having pain, proper pain management can help with fatigue. 
  • Ask how to manage other side effects of treatment that are affecting your sleep, like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, mucositis, and skin issues.

Be sure to let your care team know if you are not getting any relief from fatigue or if you begin to feel depressed, feel a loss of interest, or have increased anxiety, as these could be a sign of other issues.


American Cancer Society. (2020). What is fatigue or weakness?

National Institutes of Health: National Cancer Institute. (2023). Fatigue (PDQ®)–Patient Version.

American Society of Hematology. Anemia. Retrieved 2024.

^ "{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@4ae47f7a on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 499.1micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10457530]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@6c1c4aaf on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 381.2micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10461501]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@16e64163 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 89.6micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10461525]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@43ffd916 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 557.8micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10461509]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@25368c75 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 761.2micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10463523]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@2b2b1e7f on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 721.6micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10463558]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@32ab6544 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 519.2micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10465519]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@550a6728 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 55.8micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10468538]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@6b016c2a on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 211.1micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10467590]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@22f2e44c on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 272.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10468149]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@27dd5146 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 573.7micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10469542]]"}],"type":"search_phase_execution_exception","reason":"","phase":"fetch","grouped":true,"failed_shards":[{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_18","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@4ae47f7a on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 499.1micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10457530]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_69","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@6c1c4aaf on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 381.2micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10461501]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_70","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected 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org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10461509]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_87","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@25368c75 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 761.2micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10463523]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_89","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected 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org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10465519]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_esl_es_73","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@550a6728 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 55.8micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10468538]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_esl_es_79","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@6b016c2a on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 211.1micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10467590]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_esl_es_83","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@22f2e44c on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 272.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10468149]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_esl_es_93","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@27dd5146 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 573.7micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10469542]]"}}],"caused_by":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@73ab42b1 on 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^ "{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@29f49030 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 487micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473175]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@65ab41a6 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 6.3ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10476474]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@7aa0311e on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 2.5ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473199]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@4c653b5c on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 587.2micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10476253]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@3647dab6 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 1.9ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10475506]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@d637c49 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 446.4micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473179]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@3623cb27 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 3.4ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473198]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@38b4002e on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 4.6ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473197]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@19aa1968 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 487micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473175]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@69436073 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 4.6ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473197]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@5f23e310 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@39c02f94 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 530.2micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10480278]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@7b749070 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@650f9cf0 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@779fdb36 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 487micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473175]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@731827ee on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@418e20be on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 615.5micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473170]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@6db6884d on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@6b14d5e1 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@3343e1b1 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 487micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473175]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@503ddd4e on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 4.6ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473197]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@36fbc35d on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 863.4micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473195]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@3a8cdbbd on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 487micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473175]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@2cd9f477 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 717.5micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473169]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@7db95cb7 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 483.6micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473184]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@74c77117 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@3239dc2e on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 466.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473183]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@6a4dcf32 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 67.5micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10474248]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@444b55d4 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@5dd732a9 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 487micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473175]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@67b0686b on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 1.2ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 999, completed tasks = 10473193]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@58cf8781 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@502f5d8c on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 487micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473175]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@194fce60 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 487micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473175]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@5150faca on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 2.5ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473199]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@2e3810d7 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 615.5micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473170]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@2a461b1f on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 483.6micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473184]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@1067778f on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 4.6ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473197]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@6fca5efd on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 563.5micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10475397]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@2cffbb3e on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 863.4micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473195]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@4aedaf56 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 513.6micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473174]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@ea2b937 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 409.8micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10477255]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@8cab0dd on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 4.6ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473197]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@6255c34e on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 4.6ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473197]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@7d8c228e on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 481micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473176]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@526c16d9 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 863.4micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473195]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@2bef88ef on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@21014fb1 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 438.1micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473178]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@1b94001f on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 1ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 999, completed tasks = 10473194]]"},{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@795d8763 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 654.1micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10477290]]"}],"type":"search_phase_execution_exception","reason":"","phase":"fetch","grouped":true,"failed_shards":[{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_1","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@29f49030 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 487micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473175]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_100","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@65ab41a6 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 6.3ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10476474]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_104","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@7aa0311e on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 2.5ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473199]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_107","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@4c653b5c on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 587.2micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10476253]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_109","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@3647dab6 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 1.9ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10475506]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_113","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@d637c49 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 446.4micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473179]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_114","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@3623cb27 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 3.4ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473198]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_115","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@38b4002e on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 4.6ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473197]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_116","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@19aa1968 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 487micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473175]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_118","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@69436073 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 4.6ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473197]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_119","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@5f23e310 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_126","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@39c02f94 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 530.2micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10480278]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_139","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@7b749070 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_18","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@650f9cf0 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_24","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@779fdb36 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 487micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473175]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_26","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@731827ee on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_27","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@418e20be on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 615.5micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473170]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_3","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@6db6884d on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_4","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@6b14d5e1 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_46","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@3343e1b1 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 487micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473175]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_47","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@503ddd4e on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 4.6ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473197]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_54","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@36fbc35d on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 863.4micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473195]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_69","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@3a8cdbbd on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 487micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473175]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_70","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@2cd9f477 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 717.5micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473169]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_71","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@7db95cb7 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 483.6micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473184]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_73","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@74c77117 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_74","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@3239dc2e on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 466.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473183]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_75","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@6a4dcf32 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 67.5micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10474248]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_76","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@444b55d4 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_79","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@5dd732a9 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 487micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473175]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_83","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@67b0686b on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 1.2ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 999, completed tasks = 10473193]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_84","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@58cf8781 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_87","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@502f5d8c on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 487micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473175]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_89","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@194fce60 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 487micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473175]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_91","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@5150faca on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 2.5ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473199]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_93","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@2e3810d7 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 615.5micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473170]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_96","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@2a461b1f on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 483.6micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473184]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_eng_us_99","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@1067778f on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 4.6ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473197]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_esl_es_106","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@6fca5efd on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 563.5micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10475397]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_esl_es_117","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@2cffbb3e on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 863.4micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473195]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_esl_es_27","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@4aedaf56 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 513.6micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473174]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_esl_es_46","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@ea2b937 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 409.8micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10477255]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_esl_es_47","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@8cab0dd on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 4.6ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473197]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_esl_es_69","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@6255c34e on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 4.6ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473197]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_esl_es_70","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@7d8c228e on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 481micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473176]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_esl_es_71","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@526c16d9 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 863.4micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473195]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_esl_es_73","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@2bef88ef on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 477.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473181]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_esl_es_79","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@21014fb1 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 438.1micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10473178]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_esl_es_83","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@1b94001f on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 1ms, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 999, completed tasks = 10473194]]"}},{"shard":0,"index":"default_location_esl_es_95","node":"Y5pIpMXDThmuJskLsqhWkA","reason":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@795d8763 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 654.1micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10477290]]"}}],"caused_by":{"type":"es_rejected_execution_exception","reason":"rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.TimedRunnable@3a003d57 on QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor[name = ip-10-128-161-90/search, queue capacity = 1000, min queue capacity = 1000, max queue capacity = 1000, frame size = 2000, targeted response rate = 1s, task execution EWMA = 592.3micros, adjustment amount = 50, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor@f5ae29e[Running, pool size = 13, active threads = 13, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 10481241]]"}},"status":429}"